
Our Story is Your Story

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Welcome to Let "IT" Be Said Let "IT" Be Done clothing company. For starters we are a faith based company which centers itself on solid virtues.We are a spiritual, motivational, educational and emotional brand which derives its essence from love, respect, individuality and human values. This company was born in 2008, created from a personal vision and due to the recreation of our brand we are now all blessed by its emergence.


LIBS LIBD represents speaking the Truth and Showing your Love. Our company logo "IT" encompasses all the positive inner feelings that we speak to our selves and to others on a daily basis. Last but not least we end with our slogan The SimPLe TRUTH which says "IT" all. In ending we thank you for visiting us and we truly hope that you live "IT", Wear "IT", and most of all Love "IT".

Shipping Worldwide

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14 Days Return

14-days free return policy.

Security Payment

We accept all major credit cards.